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Environmental Crime laws
Because of the size of the database, this effort has been divided into five (5) phases focusing on different types of legislation, as follows:
1. Criminal Law only – considers only how crimes affecting the environment are incorporated in specific criminal codes and procedures, including organized crime statutes. This excludes criminal sanctions included in separate, environmental legislation.
2. Priority Resources – this comprises criminal sanctions included in laws governing specific resources (water, forest, etc.). It does not yet include all environmental laws. 3. Law Type – includes all environmental laws, including those that do not focus on a particular resource (e.g., environmental impact assessments, green building codes, etc.) 4. Harm Caused – considered broader than the Law Type focus as it includes laws that are not considered environmental, but are related to the topic because the harm caused impacts the environment (e.g., transportation laws). 5. Relationship – similar to the Harm focus, but considered broader as it also includes legislation where no nexus to environmental harm is required, but is a legal tool used in prosecution (e.g., corrupt practices or money laundering legislation). |