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legal frameworks for ...
This topic focuses on the collection of legal rights, procedures, and requirements designed to promote government accountability and transparency by requiring that agencies make certain information about their work available to the public for free or at minimal cost.
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Types of Laws Included*
Right to Know Laws that establish and implement the public’s right to know, or to request and receive information from the government.
State Secrets Laws that limit the public’s right to know by establishing the type of information that may be classified as a ‘secret.’
Press Freedom Laws that secure the right to access and report on information obtained by journalists in their investigations, including the ability to protect sources.
Information Privacy Laws that protect the personal information of individuals as collected by private companies and the government.
Cross-Border Data Flows Cross-border privacy rules (CBPRs) are a set of rules developed by an organization who commits to apply these rules to its activities involving transfers of personal information across borders.
Binding Corporate Rules A legal tool that can be used by multinational companies to ensure an adequate level of protection for the intra-group transfers of personal data between countries.
* All Legal Atlas topics are dynamic. The types of laws identified here are subject to change as research informs content development.
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