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legal frameworks for...
In recognition of the prevalence and costs of corruption, an increasing number of countries are joining international conventions aimed at the fight against corruption, such as the OECD Convention and UNCAC. As a result, many countries have started to pay closer attention to their national laws, the types of conduct criminalized, the penalties applied and the need for extra-jurisdictional coverage.
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Types of Laws Included*
PREVENTIVE Prevention of corruption - All laws and provisions directed at preventing corruptive practices by mandating transparency, securing access to information, and providing checks and balances against abuses of power.
PUNITIVE Punishment of corruption - All laws and provisions directed at imposing criminal, administrative, and civil liability for engaging in corrupt practices.
PRACTICES Institutions and Practices - All laws and provisions directed at specialized institutions and particular practices that support both preventative and punitive measures.
* All Legal Atlas topics are dynamic. The types of laws identified here are subject to change as research informs content development.
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