Cristiano Cominotto
President A.L. Assistenza Legale Associazione di Avvocati Milan, Italy "Legal-Atlas is a very ambitious project. Its utility is clear because Legal-Atlas will provide all legal professionals and specialists in any fields, wherever they may be, the knowledge that will help them to realize their projects. Knowledge is the raw material, the concrete necessary to develop any innovative project. I'm really curious, and I can not wait to see the development of Legal-Atlas." Lisa-Felicia Akorli
Annual Campaign Fellow All Stars Project, Inc. Greater New York City Area "After viewing this innovation (in the pilot phase), I must say that I am impressed by its concept and potential. This is a tool that can benefit actors across various sectors, public and private, and it has great educational power for curious individuals. Props to the creators, and I am interested to see how LegalAtlas develops!" Keith Swenson
Owner/Managing Director Stonehorse Expeditions and Travel LLC Mongolia "As a practitioner of natural resource management focusing on protected area, watershed and sustainable land management in Asia, the Legal Atlas is an invaluable tool for this work. I look forward to its ongoing development and recommend its use." Gretchen C. Bellamy
Assistant General Counsel Legal Administration & External Relations Walmart Fayetteville, Arkansas "Rarely am I impressed by an online tool, but Legal Atlas has done just that. I am blown away by the ingenuity of Legal Atlas as well as its potential to consolidate many different types of laws in one place. Legal Atlas will become the one-stop-shop all stakeholders will come to rely upon...and I am excited to see where this company takes the legal field (which will be around the world and back again I am sure!)." |
Marco Nicoli
Legal Vice Presidency World Bank Group Washington DC " Legal Atlas is the kind of partner we like to see playing a leading role in advancing law and development internationally. ” Kevin E. Parks
Attorney, Owner Parks Law Offices, LLC Portland, Oregon " Legal Atlas is an exciting new data platform with a global scope, universal application, and a near-limitless potential impact. I recommend the work of this exciting initiative and encourage you to follow along as the Legal Atlas team continues to develop. " Kelsey Stamm
Project Manager Maureen and Mike Mansfield Center Missoula, Montana "Many new ventures claim to be innovative - but the Legal Atlas is truly such, as demonstrated by their recent award from The Hague for the top idea from The Hague's Innovating Justice. This platform fills an important need in the world, and will be an indispensable tool for professionals, students, and citizens around the world." Ning Li
IUCN Environmental Law Centre Bonn, Germany "...an endless experience of discovery." |
Alex Philp, Ph.D.
Founder and President GCS Missoula, Montana " Finding an intuitive way to geographically query and display complex jurisprudence will revolutionize how we understand complex legal systems. " Patti Moore
International Legal Expert Bangkok, Thailand " Legal Atlas is being developed by experts who have decades of experience working in the field and who understand the need for flexible access to legal information and the need to be able to contrast and compare what different jurisdictions are doing. I've only seen an early beta version, but can already highly recommend Legal Atlas just on that basis. " Robin Grayson
Geological Adviser - Mining Investment and Development for Afghan Sustainability Program USAID Afghanistan "The same old issues resurface, get debated but rarely solved. With Legal Atlas we can dive into the detail and get to best practice with confidence. The Legal Atlas doesn't re-invent the wheel, it shows me what wheels are tried, tested and WORK. I live in Mongolia famed for its common land, but no land rights. "First nation rights" are zero - "we are all Mongolians". We have EIA, but no ESIA; mineral rights but no herder rights. Legal Atlas is great; we shall wonder how we did without it." |